Have you lost your loved one? Then now is the time to let go of the past and meet a good girl online! The easiest way to do this is to use bebemur.com/ — a large modern social network for fast, convenient, and reliable dating with people from all over the world!

Well, if you still can’t forget your beloved and want to make her come back to you, then follow these 6 proven tips that will definitely help you!

Ask yourself a series of questions

Before making a plan for how to win your ex-girlfriend back, we recommend answering the main question: is it worth doing that? This checklist will help you:

As for her:

  • Did the girl make an effort to maintain the relationship?
  • Did she take into account your opinions, or impose her own on you?
  • Did she want to transform herself or just asked you to change yourself?

As for you:

  • Is your desire to win her back a manifestation of sincere feelings or a reaction to hurt feelings? Is it the desire to get back into your comfort zone or you are just scared of a new relationship? Are you now showing your real feelings just missing good homemade foods and regular sex?
  • Deeply analyze your mistakes in the relationships, and try to start changing yourself for the better.

Give her time

You should use this technique as quickly after the moment she has broken up with you as possible. Instead of staying friends and chatting with her (which will allow her to gradually get used to living her life without you), you shock her and make her madly miss you.

The lack of any communication between you can change her opinion about the breakup. Sometimes it is enough for the girl to want you back in her life!

Show that you are doing well

PRETEND the breakup didn’t affect you in any way, and you move on with the confidence that the best is yet to come.

By stopping worrying about the breakup and enjoying what is happening here and now, you show her that you are ready to move on and that you will easily find another good girl if your ex does not compromise, think things through and decide, whether and when she will/won’t come back to you.

Remind her of something good

After a while, send your ex a reminder of something good that happened between you when you lived together.

If you know exactly what memories will touch her, then you should use these fond memories and make her nostalgic about the time when you were so happy together!

Use jealousy to your advantage

If you use this tactic correctly, your ex will see that you move on and, maybe, she will come to a conclusion that she made a big mistake by letting go of such a popular guy!

This can be a little tricky for some people, as it’s not easy to start dating right after a tough breakup. Keep in mind that you don’t have to really date someone to make her jealous: there are tons of other ways to create an areola of mystery around you and make her think about who you are with now.

Why does it always work? Deep inside, every girl wants to consider herself “Femme Fatale” in a guy’s life. And she will be happy to know that all her exes didn’t manage to find someone better than her! It sounds absurd, but it is true.

Important tip: don’t let her sniff out that you are bluffing!

First meeting after breaking up

After the honeymoon period, there comes everyday life, and feelings become less strong and colorful. Therefore, psychologists recommend treating a new meeting like a first date.

It should be held in a romantic setting with flowers, delicious foods, some good wine, and the right words. Experts recommend choosing your words carefully to win her back after a breakup.

It’s a good idea to do the following:

  • give her appropriate compliments;
  • remind her about the best moments of your relationship;
  • make it clear that a relationship is important to you;
  • show that you are ready to make an effort to build a happy future together.